Thursday, March 9, 2017

Movie Plot


Although Rudy and and Penny use to be the best of friends in grade school like many friends they grew apart over time. As Rudy grew up he started visiting chalkzone less and less until he almost forgot about Snap. Now in College Rudy and Penny happened to be at the same party. The two talked for hours like they never even stopped hanging out. At the end of the night Penny finally got the courage to ask about chalkzone. She had vivid memories of these great chalk adventures but didn’t know if it was all just in her imagination. With a little liquid courage in her she finally asked. Rudy laughed talking about how those adventures were true but he hadn’t visited chalkzone in years. He went on talking about how he was now kind of afraid of going back because he knew Snap would be infuriated with the fact that it took him so long to visit again. Penny and Ruby hung out for a few weeks and then Penny decided to bring up chalkzone again. She pleaded with Rudy that they go back assuring him that Snap would just be happy that he was there. One night Rudy had taken maybe one too many shots at a party to finally get the courage to get out his magic chalk draw the portal on a chalkboard in one of the rooms. They entered and all the chalk characters stared at them.  Snap emerged from the crowd of curious eyes. He began to yell demanding that they identify themselves and how they got here. Then Snap had a long pause and yelled “RUDY!”. He barely recognized Rudy and Penny It had been such a long time . The trio rejoiced but then the mood seemed to get a little grim. Snap explained to Rudy that the chalk characters had begun to disappear one by one. They realized that by Rudy’s frequent visits as a kid he kept characters there and when he did not go they were being transferred to a cage at the edge of chalkzone. It wasn’t until Snap disappeared that he found this cage. From then on Rudy and Penny made sure to visit chalkzone every so often and even drew more characters.

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